Potior Satori

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We design and implement business growth strategies strictly for solution-driven organizations

Is your company committed to offering quality products and services that impact lives positively?


When good businesses dominate the market; a great deal of our world will be better.

We help you to:

Be trans-generational

Build a successful organization today that can stand and thrive for the next 1000 years to come.

Be profitable

Revenue – Expenses = Profit. Drastically reduce your expenses or increase your revenue to allow for reinvestment in the business.

Dominate your market

Acquire the largest market share, build a brand that becomes a part of customer identity.

Win the advocacy and support of consumers

How likely are your customers to stand up for your company and do what they can to ensure it continues to be in business?

What we offer includes:

Potior Satori

Strategy Design and Execution

Potior Satori

Strategy Implementation

Some of the Approaches we follow

Strategies for market domination

Create your own market and own it. Market domination is not a single path. You can choose to go the path of the market leader, market challenger, market follower, or market nicher depending on your risk tolerance level.

Campaign management

Well targeted campaigns to get the right attention on your products/services and drive sales

Grassroot retail penetration

Transform retailers of your products to your biggest evangelists

Sales network system - guerilla partnerships

Reach out to people who are 80% interested in your product and are willing to make a purchase.

Content production

People make decisions based on what they know or feel. People judge your company's offers based on what you say about it even before they get to use it. Say the right things, make people feel the right way, and they'd happily choose your company’s products/services.

Product - Customer connection - story, worldviews, and frames

People (including you) are most likely to buy products that reflect who they are. Position your products/services to match the inner inclination and deep desires of your target market segment.

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